
WomenHeart’s 25th Anniversary

25 Years of Empowering Women’s Heart Health.
Welcome to WomenHeart’s 25th Anniversary Celebration!

For the past 25 years, WomenHeart has been the leading voice for the 60 million American women living with or at risk for heart disease. Our journey has been one of unwavering commitment, incredible achievements, and heartfelt support, made possible by our dedicated donors and champions—heroes like you.

Celebrate with Us

Join us in celebrating this milestone and help us continue our mission.
Here’s how you can be part of our 25th anniversary celebration:


Your financial support is crucial in helping us reach more women and expand our programs.

Our Journey

Heart disease is the leading killer of women, but together, we have made significant strides in changing that
narrative. Here are some of the remarkable milestones we’ve achieved thanks to your support:

National Support Network

Created the first women-only national network of patient support groups across the country along with virtual support available online and through the SisterMatch app.

Educating Champions

Trained over 1100 women heart disease survivors as community educators via the WomenHeart Science & Leadership Symposium in collaboration with Mayo Clinic.

Advocacy Corps

Developed Advocacy Corps, an initiative to train and engage volunteers in policy and advocacy work to impact policies that improve women’s heart health at the federal level.

Health Equity Initiative

Developed a health equity initiative to give voice to the inequities that women face in addressing their heart risk factors, getting a diagnosis, and being treated and managed once a diagnosis has been established.

Red Bag of Courage®

Created the Red Bag of Courage® program placing educational information about women and heart disease directly into the hands of hundreds of thousands of women living with or at-risk for heart disease.

National Policy & Science Summit

We hosted the first National Policy & Science Summit for women’s cardiovascular health, bringing together experts and advocates to drive change.

Your Impact

This journey wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible support from donors and champions like you. You are the heartbeat of WomenHeart, and your contributions have saved lives, provided hope, and fostered a community of empowered women.

Looking Forward

As we celebrate 25 years, we also look forward to the future with hope and determination. With your continued support, we can achieve even more in the next 25 years and beyond. Together, we can ensure that no woman faces heart disease alone.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Here’s to another 25 years of heart health, support, and

Ditching Negative Self-Talk and Taking Care of Yourself

Hear from our Supporters