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WomenHeart’s Online Support Community
WomenHeart’s online community, hosted by Inspire, provides a vibrant forum for emotional support and information sharing among women with heart disease and their family members and friends. Members can connect with each other and participate in discussion groups, post personal profiles with an optional photo, invite members to be friends, and even create and read others’ personal blogs (online diaries).
Register and become a member of our Inspire Online Community for women with heart disease and their friends and family members. Registration is FREE!

The community board is offered as a place where women can share their stories. It is not intended to be a source of medical advice and is not monitored by doctors or other experts. PLEASE do not depart from the medical treatment you are currently undergoing based on recommendations or suggestions you might find here. If you are concerned that you may have heart disease or may be at risk, please contact your doctor. If you are experiencing what you fear may be symptoms right this moment, call 911 and tell them you are experiencing heart attack symptoms. They will send an ambulance to transport you to a proper medical facility where you can be examined and treated.