On a Wednesday, Robin thought the radiating pain in her left arm was a pinched nerve. By Friday, she was rushing to the ER – her family in tears worried about the outcome. News of a heart attack was a wake-up call for Robin. She realized that missing the signs...
It took six defibrillator shocks to her heart to put Ingrid in the driver’s seat of heart health. We’ve learned with Pam, Danielle, and Yesenia that warning signs of heart disease can often go unnoticed if we aren’t aware. What if you have all the tools you need but...
Amy’s Advocacy Update Earlier this month, WomenHeart hosted a convening on women and Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). We brought together health care providers and advocates to discuss effective ways of raising awareness among women at risk for PAD and of supporting...
As healthcare rapidly moves toward a more tech-driven structure, many leaders are looking to preserve the classic ‘bedside manner’ of its past. WomenHeart attended the U.S. News & World Report HealthCare of Tomorrow Conference on Nov. 14, 2018 to learn how...
As we celebrate World Diabetes Day, we’re reminded of the significance of health awareness. With more than 100 million Americans living with diabetes or pre-diabetes, the risk of developing chronic conditions like heart disease is very real—especially for minority...