WomenHeart has some very exciting gems for Heart Month! Throughout the month of February, WomenHeart has partnered with multiple jewelry and fashion companies that have pledged financial support to WomenHeart and are offering exclusive access to jewelry and...
WomenHeart is now accepting nominations for the 2020 Wenger Awards. Named after women heart disease pioneer Dr. Nanette Kass Wenger, the Wenger Award highlights excellence in women heart disease, including research, innovation, practice, advocacy and partnerships....
Like many other patients, women living with heart disease spend countless hours and thousands of dollars on health care costs. Over the past year, Congress has debated several policies to make health care more affordable. Numerous bills have been introduced that would...
November is National Family Caregivers Month, a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country. In honor of this month, WomenHeart is helping by: Raising awareness of family caregiver issues Celebrating the efforts of family caregivers Educating...
On October 30, WomenHeart hosted a briefing on Capitol Hill to raise awareness of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) and its impact on women and African Americans. Representative Donald Payne, Jr. (D-NJ) attended the briefing and spoke with passion about the need to...